Introduction: The system consists of a programming framework (SDS), the application code (noxqs) and configurationdata. The noxqs application code is mostly in the database, there are some extra files like a local functions lib, some images etc. There are several possible install-situations: - install for the first time: first install SDS - only install noxqs application - install new version of SDS - install new version of noxqs (and keep data) - install sample database - ... Here we talk about the initial install of the system, starting with the SDS-basic framework.
1 ) Check your startconfiguration: LAMP = Linux Apache MySQL PHP * Linux: - make needed, automake, autoconf might be needed (mostly found in /usr/bin ) * Apache: - Note your webserver root ( RH /var/www/ or SuSE /srv/www/ ... ) - Note your document root (RH /var/www/html or SuSE /srv/www/htdocs - content can be seen via browser access to webserver) - In httpd.conf, Document Directory, set +FollowSymLinks - You have the rights to restart server-services after configuration * MySQL: - You have the rights to create a database - make * PHP: - php. ini : change register_globals=Off to register_globals=On - php.ini, paths and directories, add 2 paths in de serverroot: webserverroot/sds and webserverroot/phplib (separated by a column ":" ) : include_path=".:webserverroot/sds:webserverroot/phplib and check the presence of the "current directory", represented by a dot, in the beginning of the include path - restart the webserver to re-read the modified php.ini (/etc/rc.d/apache restart or whatever applies to your system) 2 ) Download - download sds, noxqs, samples and doc files (as available) - on this moment in the test directory: ftp/src/test - unpack sds: ![]() - unpack noxqs: tar -xzvf noxqs-X.tar.gz (creates subdir in current dir, with files and configure script) 3 ) Configuration of SDS - configure script can be run with parameters for server and document dir. (see configure --help) ./configure - But you might want to run it from a script, where you adjust the database server username and password to one of your choice (see included sample in sds dir "" - choose one fitting your system or adjust it). - with prefix= ... : httpd server root directory - with sitedir = noxqs : name of subdir in the web documentdir; noxqs comes in document root if left empty . - with sitename = localhost : name of the project - with theme = noxqs : in sds there is a possibility to create themes. Take as default the noxqs theme, adjust later if you create another one. - with DB = NOXQS : name of the database to use by sds/noxqs (is to become free choice - to be fixed) - with user = noxqsapp : database user: with this username the application will connect to the MySQL server, free choice. - with passwd = noxqspass : can be changed to your own value, free choice. 4 ) Installation of SDS - The normal : make from within the directory. - As root: make install from within the directory. - Make cache directory and subs writeable for webserver (Suse: wwwrun, www or RH: apache, apache): chown -R wwwrun cache or some other way. - Make a database NOXQS and a database user noxqsapp (or whatever you chose to use - compare with install script). mysqladmin create NOXQS Give the user rights : mysql -u root -p GRANT ALL ON NOXQS.* TO noxqsapp@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "noxqspassword" WITH GRANT OPTION; (or use a tool as phpMyAdmin to manage the MySQL database). Don't forget to re-read the privileges (FLUSH) - Import standard data in tables with sql scripts in sds db directory mysql NOXQS -u root -p < newsystem.sql and add standard SDS-system user "admin" with mysql NOXQS -u root -p < user.sql 5 ) Configuration and Installation of noxqs - check configuration file of noxqs (modify "") and run it: - The normal : make from within the directory. - As root: make install from within the directory. If all went right, you got: in the webserver root: directories sds and phplib. in the document root: noxqs application directory in the noxqs application directory: - indexpage index.php (to log in) - link to theme directory of sds - link to utils directory of sds In MySQL you should see: - a user for noxqs in the users/privileges tables - NOXQS and NOXQS_DB databases - in the NOXQS.auth_user_md5 the user admin Update the cache: When you call the applications' noxqs/index.php, you have to login as admin, admin, and chose to update the cache (menu cache, cache all) Notes: make dist clean to clean up or remove the sds dir en unpack again. After installing a new SDS, sometimes you might want to make a new user, a clean database, etc. In the "db" subdir you'll find some helpers: - user.sql that makes the standard SDS user "admin", password "admin" in table auth_md5; use : mysql -p < user.sql - mysql NOXQS -p < newsystem.sql with admin-rights to remove admin or change password of admin. |
Needed: Linux Apache MySQL Php Files: sds-0.X.tar.gz noxqs-0.X.tgz (sample data :) noxqs_data.tgz Check php.ini configure src/sds/db/Makefile noxqs/path_config.php noxqs/config.php |